Monday, April 12, 2010


I posted this on our family blog, but thought it fitting to share here too :

It has been non stop busy in our house since my husband came home from his deployment. We are always on the go, and it feels like there is never  a moment to just stop and breathe.

I am so thankful to be busy. Especially with my photography. I'm well on my way to being officially in business by my daughter's birthday, just like I promised myself with my new year's resolutions. At the same time, I am trying to remember why I got into photography...capturing memories, and most important to me, is  our memories! I long to just sit down and edit our photos and blog about our little moments, and I'm finding that hard to do! Again, not complaining at all about being busy, I am just struggling with balance! Balancing being a mom to my two munchkins and a wife (after not having to focus on being a wife for almost 6 months!), it is hard to remember there's another person to care for! And balancing work, with family time...I love the opportunity I'm being given, but I have to remember to slow down and remember what made photography so enjoyable sometimes :)

Anyways, all that rambling to say, today I took time to take my kids to a spot where I've been doing several family sessions recently. It's a beautiful art gallery with even more beautiful gardens. Acres of azaleas and beautiful waterfalls, bridges,'s really amazing. We had a picnic (Burger King ;) ), and I just let them play and of course, took a  "few" pictures of them. I'm hoping my clients will forgive me for taking a day off from editing their portraits to indulge myself in editing a few of my own children ;)

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